Atica 98" Outdoor Dining Table - Washed Acacia


I searched everywhere for a big outdoor table. I was very nervous to buy something online but this table is beautiful!! It sits 8 with plenty of extra room if ...  More
Thumbnail of Atica 98" Outdoor Dining Table - Washed Acacia provided by Georgette  - 1 of 0.
Thumbnail of Atica 98" Outdoor Dining Table - Washed Acacia provided by Georgette  - 2 of 0.
Thumbnail of Atica 98" Outdoor Dining Table - Washed Acacia provided by Georgette  - 3 of 0.
Georgette K.
6 months ago - Hampstead, NC
when you finally find the one, right price, width, length… that’s a 5. delivery fast and easy that’s a 6. just not sure how long it will hold up based on some...  More
Thumbnail of Atica 98" Outdoor Dining Table - Washed Acacia provided by Gina - 1 of 0.
Gina C.
1 year ago - Rancho Palos Verdes, CA
We have had this table for over a year now and I still love it. It is a beautiful design. We use our table daily and it look just a beautiful as the day we got it.  
Thumbnail of Atica 98" Outdoor Dining Table - Washed Acacia provided by Kelly - 1 of 0.
Kelly B.
1 year ago - Atlantis, FL
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